modamilano Collection

match best fantasies

The modamilano collection is the result of a selection of top models from the NicolaQuinto catalogue, made with the best coatings on the market. It is probably the most exclusive collection in the industry.

Research of fabrics

Made in Italy, processed according to traditional loom work with predominance of natural fibres, cotton, linen, without chemical treatments.

Selection of leathers

Choice of high quality leathersprocessed by the best Italian tanneries.

love for details

Scrupulous studyand selectionof the accessoriesthat embellish each creation.

Furnishing accessories

Made with a sophisticated concept characterized by interlockinggames between different materials, by creating a single designobject.

Luxury Leather
modamilano Collection, modamilano Collection, NICOLAQUINTO ITALIA
modamilano Collection, modamilano Collection, NICOLAQUINTO ITALIA
spun fabric
metal details
modamilano Collection, modamilano Collection, NICOLAQUINTO ITALIA
Renato D'Onofrio
modamilano Collection, modamilano Collection, NICOLAQUINTO ITALIA
modamilano Collection, modamilano Collection, NICOLAQUINTO ITALIA
Convinced that there is a ‘red thread’ between different productions, Renato D’Onofrio is interested in architecture, restoration, furniture and design. In each area, it combines contemporaneity with history, understood as experiences waiting to be explored with ‘new eyes’. In particular, in design he interprets the needs and desires of users and therefore takes an equidistant stance from Functionalism as an end in itself and the aesthetic result incapable of going beyond the pleasure of the eye; he maintains that the true beauty of an object descends from its harmonious composition and the comfort it provides during use. D’Onofrio believes that any object should be enjoyed not only with the eyes but also with touch and even smell; for these reasons, he searches for the best materials, applies construction techniques appropriate to the design theme and takes care of the smallest formal details.
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