APOLLO is the furnishing accessory that expresses, with its undefined shape, a feeling of tranquillity. Letting oneself fall into its infinite softness is an instinctive and necessary gesture. It is the pouf for all ages, lively for children and cosy for adults. The possibilities for upholstery are manifold, both in terms of materials and colour combinations.
NicolaQuinto offre una vastissima scelta di rivestimenti. Dalla pelle premium a quella luxury, dal tessuto cotonato a quello smart, dal velluto a tinta unita a quello stampato con meravigliose fantasie, dalle microfibre smart a quelle antimacchia.
A te la scelta. Divertiti!
Iscriviti per ricevere news e offerte del mondo NicolaQuinto.
Via Aldo Moro, 20
40033 – Casalecchio di Reno (BO)
Tel. +39 378 304 4499
48 Burj Gate, 10th Floor, room #1001
Downtown – Dubai – EAU
Phone +971 4 3216260
consulenza gratuita
Quando le idee non sono chiare o quando i dubbi non ti permettono di andare avanti, la cosa migliore da fare è rivolgersi a dei professionisti.
NicolaQuinto offers a wide choice of upholsteries. From premium to luxury leather, from cotton to smart fabric, from plain velvet to printed velvet with wonderful patterns, from smart to stain-resistant microfibres.
The choice is yours. Enjoy!
Aldo Moro Street, 20
40033 – Casalecchio di Reno (BO)
Tel. +39 378 304 4499
Flavius Domitian Street, 25
00145 – Rome (RM) – ITALY
Tel.06 69306635
+39 3783068653
48 Burj Gate, 10th Floor, room #1001
Downtown – Dubai – EAU
Phone +971 4 3216260
Free Consultancy
When ideas are not clear or when doubts do not allow you to take a decision, the best thing to do is to ask Professionals.
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