sofa store Romaest

Moving to a new location

A display located in 3 islands in the middle of the mall’s gallery enlivens visitors’ view. A wide range of the highest quality products to admire and try. We are open daily Monday through Sunday from 10 a.m. to 9 p.m.

Book an appointment with one of our managers by scheduling your preferred day and time.

sofa store rome, sofa store rome, NICOLAQUINTO ITALIA

Leonardo Russo

Area Manager

sofa store rome, sofa store rome, NICOLAQUINTO ITALIA

Grazia Privitera

Sales consultant


Mon to Sun 10 a.m. to 9 p.m.

Call now

Store Romaest
+39 391 182 4698


Via Collatina, km 12.800
Rome - 00132

You choose the time and
book an appointment

Are you busy all day long? Book an appointment at the best time for you. Our staff is also available outside regular business hours. We will be at your complete disposal to advise you, show you all the collections and let you try every single product.

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+39 0835204738

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