FLAVIA is the armchair that combines timeless elegance with modern techniques of Made in Italy craftsmanship. Its geometries draw a unique and harmonious furniture component. Its classically inspired lines make it compatible with any living room, its modern-design metal feet make it suitable for both classic and ultra-contemporary settings. The high back and heavily padded seat ensure a comfortable posture. Thinly structured armrests with soft lines extend across the entire profile of the chair, giving the posture a sense of security and intimacy. Available in a wide range of coverings, one can define its character according to one’s taste.
NicolaQuinto offre una vastissima scelta di rivestimenti. Dalla pelle premium a quella luxury, dal tessuto cotonato a quello smart, dal velluto a tinta unita a quello stampato con meravigliose fantasie, dalle microfibre smart a quelle antimacchia.
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Via Aldo Moro, 20
40033 – Casalecchio di Reno (BO)
Tel. +39 378 304 4499
48 Burj Gate, 10th Floor, room #1001
Downtown – Dubai – EAU
Phone +971 4 3216260
consulenza gratuita
Quando le idee non sono chiare o quando i dubbi non ti permettono di andare avanti, la cosa migliore da fare è rivolgersi a dei professionisti.
NicolaQuinto offers a wide choice of upholsteries. From premium to luxury leather, from cotton to smart fabric, from plain velvet to printed velvet with wonderful patterns, from smart to stain-resistant microfibres.
The choice is yours. Enjoy!
Aldo Moro Street, 20
40033 – Casalecchio di Reno (BO)
Tel. +39 378 304 4499
Flavius Domitian Street, 25
00145 – Rome (RM) – ITALY
Tel.06 69306635
+39 3783068653
48 Burj Gate, 10th Floor, room #1001
Downtown – Dubai – EAU
Phone +971 4 3216260
Free Consultancy
When ideas are not clear or when doubts do not allow you to take a decision, the best thing to do is to ask Professionals.
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