Contemporary Art Exhibition in Rome: "Rest and Awakening"

art exhibition, Rest and Awakening art exhibition “journey between time and Comfort”, NICOLAQUINTO ITALIA

Explore Modern Sculpture: Lee Yun Mi's "Rest and Awakening" exhibition in Rome

From October 6 to November 6, 2023, the NicolaQuinto Sofas store at 170 Via Gregorio VII in Rome will become a temple of contemporary art. The event will highlight sculptures by emerging Korean artist Lee Yun Mi as part of the modern exhibition in Rome entitled “Rest and Awakening.” The sculptures will be unveiled on October 6, 2023 at 6 pm.

Lee Yun Mi: An Emerging Talent in the World of Contemporary Art.

Lee Yun Mi is a young emerging Korean artist who has already attracted a fair amount of interest in the contemporary art world. With a background that combines tradition and modernity, Yun Mi uses diverse materials to create sculptures that explore themes such as identity, nature and spirituality.

She graduated from Seoul University and then continued her studies at the Academy of Fine Arts in Carrara, delving into sculptural techniques related to working with the noble material such as marble, the undisputed protagonist of her works.

Numerous participations in International Symposiums, not only in Italy but especially abroad. Experiences that allowed her to compare herself with other artists and refine her technique.

"Rest and Awakening."

The exhibition “Rest and Awakening” is a journey to discover a calmer, slower concept of time, in sharp contrast to the frenzy that characterizes modern society. The works in the exhibition address complex issues such as the balance between stillness and movement, as well as the concept of “rest” as a necessary stage for “awakening” to lead a fulfilling and harmonious life.

In a particular environment such as a sofa store, Lee YunMi’s art takes on a new dimension, offering an interesting dialogue between the artwork and the space that houses it, gently guiding the visitor to a deep inner analysis and personal reflection on the importance of finding solace in one’s living spaces.

Why at a Nicolaquinto Sofas store?

Located on one of Rome’s most charming streets, Via Gregorio VII, the Nicolaquinto Sofa Shop is known for its elegant and cozy surroundings. The idea of hosting an art exhibition in a sofa store opens up a new avenue for artistic enjoyment, offering a unique experience that combines comfort and culture.

Art Exhibition Nicolaquinto Sofa Shop, Via Gregorio VII 170, Rome

Don’t miss the opportunity to discover the fascinating modern sculptures of emerging artist Lee Yun Mi. The art exhibition “Rest and Awakening” is a must-see for contemporary art enthusiasts in Rome.

We look forward to your visit to discover these wonderful works of art.

Schedules and Practical Information

The Presentation of the art event in Rome, will be open free of charge to Visitors from October 6, 2023, 6:00 p.m.

For more information, visit our socials or contact us directly at 0835 204738.

#ContemporaryArt #ExhibitionRome #LeeYunMi #ShopDivaniNicolaquinto #Sculpture #KoreanArtist #RepairandRewakening

Contemporary Art, Exhibition in Rome, Lee Yun Mi, Nicolaquinto Sofa Shop, Sculptures, Korean artist, Rest and Awakening, roma weekend events, art moderma roma, roma events today, art exhibition Rome, art exhibition Rome

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