exhibition area at romaest
Opening in the shopping centre
This morning, the Roma Est Shopping Centre in Rome – Lunghezza woke up with something new.
The NicolaQuinto is Back! A happy island of 100 square metres of exhibition space on the first floor of the centre, where you can admire and above all try on the comfort of our creations. Returning to the Roma East Shopping Centre was really important for us!
In 2018 we opened our first exhibition space in Rome in this very centre, and thanks to the many positive feedbacks we received, in a difficult moment we were encouraged to open a second one in 2022 in Via Gregorio VII 170, also in Rome.
It was a response to an even bigger challenge, and returning today, after the pandemic in our first home gave us a lot of courage and makes us proud to be able to say that WE ARE STILL THERE. Tonight, our team worked hard with enthusiasm, an endless thanks from NicolaQuinto to all those who made it possible for this project to be realized in a short time. From production, administration, workers, the management of the Mall, and all those who contributed their work to bring to life another dot on the map of Rome.
We are now present in two strategic areas of the city:
• Show Room in Via Gregorio VII 170 – Roma – Zona Aurelio – Vaticano – Centro
• Centro Commerciale Roma Est – Lunghezza Roma – Roma Est
And we still haven’t tired of it.
NicolaQuinto Stay Tuned!